Alice & Paul

As a doctor and self Confessed cynic control freak, I wouldn’t have immediately put myself down as a typical candidate for hypnobirthing. After a planned c section due to medical issues with my eldest daughter, I had always maintained I would go for this for any subsequent pregnancies. I think this was a lot due to fear of the unknown and a desire to keep control.
However after meeting Katie I was surprised the depth of the course and what it involved, not just the ‘self hypnosis ‘ and relaxation/ meditation, but the research based, informative aspect around pregnancy and childbirth.
I was attracted to Katie’s clinical background and holistic approach. As a working mum to a 3 year old, I didn’t have the time or childcare to attend an antenatal course as we had the first time round, so the sessions at home were ideal, and the weekly sessions allowed some precious ‘ me time’ to really think about the pregnancy and birth, and what I wanted, planned, feared, as well as protected time to bond with the bump/baby. It was really helpful to explore these things in a safe space, and Katie was completely non judgemental and never tried to push any agenda.
Unlike the more ‘traditional’ antenatal class I took the first time round, this course really focused on what i wanted and felt comfortable with.
Talking through this with Katie was really valuable as there was a lot I hadn’t thought about. There was also a lot I had taken for granted and forgotten about, especially the second time round. It really helped me to have talked through all these things when it came to the delivery, when emotions are running high and it’s easy to get swept along with everything.
When it came to my birth, to my ( and my husband’s) complete surprise, I decided to try for a Natural delivery. I think this is down to the support and what I learnt from Katie and this course. When my waters broke early and unexpectedly and we went to hospital, my husband even commented that he couldn’t believe how calm I was! I felt prepared, focused and in control. Unfortunately medical reasons again led to a Caesarian, however the techniques I learnt with the course helped me stay calm and in control, and we had a wonderful positive experience.

I’d absolutely recommend Katie and the KGH course, it’s not just meditation and hypnotherapy, it’s evidence based, mother and baby centred and great preparation for delivery and meeting your baby in a calm and positive way. Even though it concentrates on a natural delivery, it covers other, Sometimes unavoidable, interventions.
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