Hypnobirthing for Induction Hypnobirthing isn’t often thought of as a useful tool for a more medical birth such as induction. Read on to find out why hypnobirthing can still come in handy. I’m a firm believer that hypnobirthing tools are useful for any...
What is a TENS Machine and How Can it be Used in Labour? A TENSÂ (Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation) machine is a small hand-held device with electrode pads attached. It works by sending electrical impulses through sticky pads on the skin, which usually...
Water Birth – The Pros and Cons Do you find the warmth of a bath soothing? I’ve often sunk into a bath with aching bones or period pains and it’s felt like heaven. There’s so many birth stories out there confirming that water can have a...
Is Hypnobirthing Worth It? Does It Work? An honest take from a hypnobirthing teacher… Of course, I think hypnobirthing is worth it! But I can also see why this question is asked a lot. Sometimes, hypnobirthing is portrayed as a type of calm, quiet, serene birth. It...
Stretch and Sweep – The Pros and Cons A stretch and sweep, (or membrane sweep) is where the midwife or obstetrician inserts a finger into the vagina, to reach the cervix. They then sweep around the inside of the cervix with the finger tip, separating the...
How To Use Hypnobirthing Techniques for Labour Hypnobirthing techniques can be so useful in the run up to, and during birth, and that’s because of the science of birth and the hormones involved. The more relaxed your mind is, the more likely you are to have a...
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