Stretch and Sweep - The Pros and Cons - My Informed Birth

Stretch and Sweep – The Pros and Cons

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A stretch and sweep, (or membrane sweep) is where the midwife or obstetrician inserts a finger into your vagina, to reach the cervix. They then sweep around the inside of the cervix with the finger tip, separating the amniotic sac (membrane) from the uterus wall.

The stretch and sweep is a form of mechanical induction- disturbing the membranes in a hope that it will start off the process of labour. As the health care provider needs to insert a finger, you will need to be slightly dilated to have this procedure. 

You may be offered a stretch and sweep at your 39 week midwife appointment, where they should ALWAYS gain consent (explain the risks and benefits and wait for your permission) before going ahead. You can then opt for another 2 or 3 membrane sweeps, a couple of days apart. Like with any test, intervention or procedure, you can say yes or no and change your mind at any time. 

If you’d like to know more about your birth rights, induction and decision making, check out my hypnobirthing courses.


A stretch and sweep is the least invasive induction procedure and so for most people it’s able to be done at home or at your doctors surgery, and usually needs no monitoring afterwards.

There is a lack of evidence for stretch and sweep actually working. The evidence that does exist, says that 8 people would need to have the procedure for 1 to go into labour without needing more induction interventions.

“Membrane sweeping may be effective in achieving a spontaneous onset of labour, but the evidence for this was of low certainty. When compared to expectant management, it potentially reduces the incidence of formal induction of labour. Questions remain as to whether there is an optimal number of membrane sweeps and timings and gestation of these to facilitate induction of labour.” (Finucane et al 2020)

So the evidence isn’t great quality on this, but you MAY be more likely to have a spontaneous onset of labour, and less likely to need a formal induction of labour.

For some, having a stretch and sweep could feel like a positive step to take for encouraging labour along in those later weeks of pregnancy. 


It’s sometimes said that stretch and sweeps have no side effects but unfortunately this isn’t true. There is a small risk of light bleeding, discomfort and irregular contractions (irritation of the uterus). With any vaginal examination comes an infection risk, and rarely a sweep can accidentally break the amniotic sac, causing another route for infection and leading to an offer of further induction.

Sometimes discussing a stretch and sweep can feel rushed over in appointments. It’s important that any procedure is discussed with you fully so you’re aware of what you’re saying yes or no to. A stretch and sweep is different to a vaginal examination and the pros and cons should be fully discussed.

It’s a great idea to be able to weigh up a procedure like this for yourself, to come to a decision that is best for you. To help with this you could use the decision-making acronym B.R.A.I.N – What are the Benefits, Risks and Alternatives? What does your Intuition say? And asking the question what happens if you do Nothing? Please talk to your midwife or obstetrician if you’d like to ask questions or get more person-centred guidance on whether or not to have a stretch and sweep.

For more information on this subject, check out this page at

For support and information antenatally or postnatally, take a look at my courses and services

Disclaimer: My blog posts are for informational purposes only. This is the most up-to-date information I have at the time, but please be aware some details may change. I do not give medical advice. I am not a doctor or midwife. Please speak to your midwife or obstetrician for advice and guidance relevant to you.

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